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Valerie Schultz is a freelance writer, a columnist for The Bakersfield Californian and the author of A Hill of Beans: The Grace of Everyday Troubles. She lives on the Oregon Coast.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
Joe Biden made the perfect reply to a child who is sorry and shaky and demoralized and has no idea how to fix the damage caused: the recommitment to unconditional love.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
My father turned away from religion. While reading his old letters, I got a glimpse of some of his earlier experiences with the Church.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
The coronavirus pandemic has both increased the frequency of deaths and constrained our ability to accompany the dying.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
Feeling restless because we cannot go out to eat or attend a concert hardly amounts to involuntary incarceration.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
On the other side of the pandemic, we may see “corona babies” and “corona divorces.” May we also see the best in each other as we live our vows in the time of quarantine.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
Most writers walk a fine line between stealing from life and exploiting life.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
Just as I took care to exercise physically for the endurance of my heart, I needed to break a spiritual sweat for the good of my soul.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
We women do not want to make waves; we do not want to upset people. But the moment for all of us to act is decidedly now.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
I think of mentors and helpers, men and women of kindness and compassion, heroes who listen to their better angels, as triggers for good.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
Do not ever let anyone say that sobriety is easy on a family: The return of a prodigal can spark consuming fires.