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Victor M. Cancino, S.J., lives on the Flathead Indian Reservation in western Montana and is the pastor of St. Ignatius Mission. He received his licentiate in sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome.
FaithThe Word
July 2, 2023, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Prophets communicate God’s wisdom, and display their own skill in creative interpretations of the Word of God.   
FaithThe Word
June 22, 2023, Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: God is close to those who struggle for a different world and one might even find a sense of beauty in this awareness. 
stained glass window depicting Jesus and disciples
FaithThe Word
June 18, 2023, Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus and the first disciples let compassion pierce their own hearts and reaped great abundance. His disciples today must do the same.
FaithThe Word
June 11, 2023, Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ: The readings for this Sunday invite one to lean into a deep appetite for God. 
FaithThe Word
June 4, 2023, The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: This Sunday’s readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity reveal a divine deliberation, which encourages readers to place their trust in a God whose love remains constant even when humanity’s loving response does not.
A painting of Pentecost in Saint Anastasia church in Verona
FaithThe Word
May 28, 2023, Pentecost Sunday: A genuine concern for the church of tomorrow is the capacity to hear the sound of the Spirit speaking today.
Statue of Mary wearing a crown
FaithThe Word
May 21, 2023, The Ascension of the Lord: The narratives of ascension and enthronement in this Sunday’s readings subvert human fantasies of strength and instead present a theology of divine power that flows from vulnerability. 
two hands outstretched in prayer
FaithThe Word
May 14, 2023, the Sixth Sunday of Easter: The fourth Gospel leans into the personal affection between God and the individual.
Close up of hand on coffin
FaithThe Word
May 7, 2023, the Fifth Sunday of Easter: Anyone who attends funerals often knows how storytelling reveals the life of the deceased. The stories of everyday life that mourners share frequently provide more insight into the deceased’s character than any listing of life accomplishments or honors.
A man standing on top of a hill next to a herd of sheep
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
April 30, 2023, the Fourth Sunday of Easter: This passage is the result of multiple stages of editing as, over time, the fourth Gospel took its final form. Each of those stages reflects new pastoral concerns within the growing church. The resulting “shepherd” metaphor is therefore quite complex.