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Victor M. Cancino, S.J., lives on the Flathead Indian Reservation in western Montana and is the pastor of St. Ignatius Mission. He received his licentiate in sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
February 4, 2024, the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus must go about for the sake of the Gospel as Paul must preach what has been entrusted to him.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
January 28, 2024, the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Listening for the divine voice and seeking out true prophets are the topics of this Sunday’s readings.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
January 21, 2024, the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: This Sunday’s readings challenge us to be ready with a brave response to God’s call.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
January 14, 2024, the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: The most important feature in these narratives is the necessity of curiosity for growth in one’s faith.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
January 7, 2024, the Epiphany of the Lord: Second only to the narrative of Jesus’ birth in a manger, the image of the magi honoring the holy infant with royal gifts is a quintessential Christmas scene.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
December 24, 2023, Fourth Sunday of Advent: Responses to their encounters with God in Scripture guide us as we prepare to commemorate one of the deepest mysteries of our faith.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
December 17, 2023, Third Sunday of Advent: The readings for the third Sunday of Advent draw attention to the connection between belief and praise.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
December 10, 2023, Second Sunday of Advent: Advent is a time of testing, when we can challenge ourselves with this question, “Have my ears been receptive to the Good News?”
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
December 3, 2023, First Sunday of Advent: Advent is a time to awaken the soul in anticipation.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
November 26, 2023, The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe: Advent prepares us for the humility that Christmas reveals. The mystery of the poor is also somehow the mystery of God at the center of our faith.