
Vincent Miller is Gudorf Chair in Catholic Theology and Culture at the University of Dayton. He is the author of Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture.
In All Things
Robert Sirico s well financed defenses of libertarian economics often rise to the level of self-parody but his statement in the NY Times story on Duquesne University s scandalous attempt to fight a union for adjunct instructors is astounding in its ignorance or mendacious misrepresentation of the b
In All Things
I rsquo ve wrestled with the USCCB Religious Liberty campaign for some time I support its big-picture goals but so much about its tone argument timing and politics leaves me concerned None of that seemed worth putting in a post Michael Moreland rsquo s helpful sympathetic engagement with rd
In All Things
Under fire for misrepresenting Catholic Social Teaching before his speach at Georgetown Congressman Ryan aimed to debunk the urban legend that he is follower of Ayn Rand in an interview at The National Review ldquo I reject her philosophy rdquo Ryan says firmly ldquo It rsquo s an atheist p
In All Things
A few texts on taxation plus bonus references to the universal destination of goods and distributive justice Catechism of the Catholic Church nbsp 2240 Submission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory to pay taxes to exercise the right to vote and t
In All Things
It may simply be a sign of my own dubious discipleship but I always feel Thomas gets a bad rap nbsp It rsquo s not like the other disciples leapt eagerly to belief nbsp Jesus rsquo appearance grounded their faith More however than giving Thomas his due I think there is something going on i
In All Things
I rsquo m thrilled that the Obama administration has revised the HHS regulations to address the concerns of Catholic affiliated organizations nbsp The Catholic Health Association has weighed in supporting the solution nbsp ldquo We are very pleased with the White House announcement that a resol
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I rsquo ve spent much of the past week working through the Obama Administration rsquo s decision to not expand the religious employer exemptions for HHS mandated preventative health services nbsp I believe President Obama and Secretary Sebelius made the wrong decision nbsp These regulations crea
In All Things
Pope Benedict has devoted his 2012 World Communications Day message to the topic of Silence and Word The Path of Evangelization It s an interesting an fruitful topic for a Communications Day message nbsp It nbsp touches both upon the theological concerns that are Benedict s forte and very con
In All Things
David Brooks and Michael Gerson find in Rick Santorum a hopeful departure from the current radical Republican presidential contenders who range from neoliberal to libertarian nbsp They celebrate his embrace of subsidiarity as a more robust political philosophy than the rest of the field nbsp I s