
Vincent Miller is Gudorf Chair in Catholic Theology and Culture at the University of Dayton. He is the author of Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture.
FaithNews Analysis
In “Laudate Deum,” Pope Francis revisits the themes of “Laudato Si’” after eight years—a clear sign of urgency for a Catholic Church that thinks in centuries.
Arts & CultureBooks
‘The Ministry for the Future’ offers a vision honest to the scale of the crisis that offers a plausible path to addressing it.
FaithFaith and Reason
As part of our larger coverage of “Fratelli Tutti,” the latest encyclical letter from Pope Francis, America asked a number of theologians and church experts to contribute a brief response, including their perspectives on its potential impact and its particular areas of import.
FaithShort Take
The apostolic exhortation “Querida Amazonia,” conveys the suffering of the Amazon and its people in stark terms, writes Vincent J. Miller. We must not be distracted from its message.
Arts & CultureTelevision
The Netflix film offers a stunning degree of intimacy through the startup of a factory once run by General Motors.
Arts & CultureFeatures
For decades, Lopez has sought to re-establish our ethical relationships with the land and the other creatures who dwell on it. But Lopez, like many authors, struggles against labels.
FaithFaith and Reason
Catholic social thought has much to teach us about how to balance our commitment to the common good with contemporary economic practices and structures.
The internet has profoundly changed the social and moral space of everyday life.
Pope Francis rsquo s address to Congress is the topic of much anticipation and speculation because it is an unavoidably political event nbsp As I talk to reporters the questions always come around to the likely partisan impact of Francis rsquo speech nbsp ldquo Granted Francis is prolife and
FaithLaudato Si
"Laudato Si’" brings a new spiritual depth to the tradition of papal social encyclicals. Extensive quotes from Christian mystical writers such as Therese of Liseux, John of the Cross and St. Bonaventure, and even the Sufi ‘Ali al-Khawas make clear something new is in play