Father Joseph Langford co-founder with Mother Teresa of the Missionaries of Charity Fathers in 1983 believes that her spirituality is a gift for all people of our time hence he has undertaken this labor of love to make her spirituality more accessible By and large he succeeds although there are
Faith in Focus
To draw closer to God, pay attention to ordinary experience
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta (Doubleday, $22.95) is a disturbing book, one that has become a lightning rod for commentators of every stripe, from believers to unbelievers. Can it also be read as a consoling book? I believe so, though the consolation is not “c
Faith in Focus
Jesus called God “Abba” (“dear Father”), which tells us something about his relationship with God. In the same vein, he told his followers, “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father in heaven’” (Matt 6: 9), telling us that we have a similar relationship wi
Faith in Focus
I don’t want to be humbled; you don’t either, I suspect. Yet there are people who say it was the best thing that ever happened to them. Members of Alcoholics Anonymous, for example, say that they began to move toward sanity and wholeness only after they had been deeply humbled. Likewise,
Recently I received an e-mail from a Jesuit newly arrived in El Salvador to do some pastoral work He remarked on how his eyes had been opened by the reactions of ordinary Salvadorans to Gospel stories He wrote I rsquo m struck by how differently they hear the Scriptures as a result of having been
This is a difficult time for Roman Catholics in the United States. Our church, which stood so tall and proud after the Second World War and the election of the first Catholic as president, has been dealt some grievous blows in recent times. There seems no end to the tide of stories about the sexual
Fenton Johnson grew up in the shadow of Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky the youngest of nine children born in a Catholic county surrounded by a Protestant sea For years his family home had been like a second home to monks from the abbey who walked over for conversation a beer or for some spare part
This is an important book Christopher Ringwald makes strikingly clear that spirituality is the ldquo soul of recovery rdquo from addiction Through interviews and research he shows that addicts have for over a century found the way to sobriety and to a positive contribution to society through so