
The Most Rev. William E. Lori is the archbishop of Baltimore and vice president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
FaithShort Take
Chapter 11 reorganization will help the Archdiocese of Baltimore manage lawsuits from historic cases of child sexual abuse without abandoning its ministries.
FaithFaith and Reason
“Black Lives Matter” should resonate with all who embrace the principles of Catholic social teaching, beginning with the dignity of the human person, writes William E. Lori, the archbishop of Baltimore.
In All Things
Archbishop Lori: Today conscience protections for people with moral or religious objections to abortion are being taken away.
In All Things
We Americans enjoy a beautiful heritage of religious freedom. Claiming that heritage today requires encounter and engagement between people who hold different viewpoints, so that we can grow to respect the right and duty of every person to live in accordance with her or his conscience.
The promotion and defense of religious freedom has fast become a top priority of the Catholic Church in the United States. Threats to this fundamental right are widespread, grave and growing, both at home and abroad. The Catholic bishops of the United States are duly alarmed by this trend, and we ha
On providing food and fluids to helpless patients
Life is the first and most basic good of the human person