In the small town of Stilfontein, some 90 miles from the city of Johannesburg, South Africa, hundreds, possibly thousands, of illegal miners have been underground in an abandoned mine shaft for more than a month.
As both father and priest, what worries me most is the spiritual damage I see done to our children as they are scheduled away from both the dinner table and the altar.
As our own cultural moment in the United States has included some prominent conversions to Catholicism, what might we learn from some of the more prominent converts in British Catholic history?
With his new encyclical, Pope Francis added his voice to this chorus of encouragement inviting people not to lose heart.
“I want to be a companion to Sister Sheral on this journey for as long as I have breath,” Sister Maureen Sinnott writes.
It’s time for a global discernment. This starts with examining ourselves and then taking a long, hard look at the global realities and local realities we might not want to see.
In 'Opus," Gareth Gore examines many seminal moments in the history of the controversial Catholic group Opus Dei, arguing that its secretive ways have allowed it to cover up serious scandals.