
America Media interprets the church for the world and the world for the church. We are a forum for discussion of religion, society, politics and culture from a Catholic perspective. The Ignatian traditions of “finding God in all things” and the promotion of justice shape our commentary. Founded in 1909 by the Jesuit order and directed today by Jesuits and lay colleagues, America Media is a resource for social analysis and spiritual renewal, guided by the spirit of charity.
Carrying Out Our Mission Today
Since the Jesuit charism is at the heart of the America Media brand, we constantly strive to produce content that says something different, that offers a different opinion or perspective, that showcases a voice that asks the unconsidered, better question. That difference alone makes America Media’s content unique.
With a highly influential and globally renowned editorial team, we are committed to producing content that is excellent, unique, relevant and accessible across multiple platforms—print, digital, social, video, audio and events. Our contributors are the principal figures in the American church; the decision makers and opinion leaders who lead the ecclesial and civil debate about religion, society, politics and the arts. Those with something to say to the American church say it in America: popes and presidents, Nobel laureates, Pulitzer Prize winners, world-renowned scholars, and distinguished men and women of letters.
America Media’s audience is a community of decision makers and opinion leaders in the contemporary American church: men and women, clerical and lay, who lead the conversation about faith and culture in their respective fields and locales.