
America: The Jesuit Review of Faith and Culture
Published 11 times a year, America magazine is the leading Catholic journal of opinion in the United States. From church news, politics and social justice, to education, arts and culture, our coverage spans the globe.
Updated multiple times daily, America’s award-winning website is a go-to resource for the most up-to-date Catholic news and analysis.
America Media publishes daily and weekly newsletters, each reaching a unique community of subscribers who turn to us for the latest stories from the intersection of the church and the world, for reflections on Scripture and liturgy, for literary reviews and editors’ picks from the latest edition of America.
America Media’s video team extends our award-winning journalism beyond the written word. We produce short documentaries and video series to tell stories, small and large, about faith and culture from all corners of the church and around the globe. With the addition of the state-of-the-art William J. Loschert Studio in 2018, we offer breaking news and analysis, including interactive live video as well as expanded coverage of America events.
America Media produces a variety of podcasts on faith and culture, including deep-dive narrative shows, weekly conversations with thought leaders, and behind-the-scenes reports on the biggest headlines from the Vatican and the American Catholic Church. Our podcasts provide a smart, Catholic voice about issues at the intersection of the church and the world.
America Media offers events that bring the conversation about faith and culture to you in person and by live-stream. From town hall-style conferences to lectures, interviews and panel discussions, our events feature thought leaders, scholars and prominent public officials.
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With highly engaged readers and users, our classified marketplace listings provide the ideal environment to reach a captive audience—consumers who actively search for job and teaching opportunities, spiritual experiences and products relevant to the America community.
America Press
America Media’s book platform publishes new editions of original and archival content. Titles include “A Big Heart Open to God: A Conversation With Pope Francis”; “Praying With America”; “With God in Russia”; “The Documents of Vatican II”; and “Avery Dulles: Essential Writings from America Magazine.”