The night before my sister’s wedding five summers ago, my family and our new in-laws gathered for dinner at an Italian restaurant in the suburbs of Los Angeles. Because mine is a big family—I am the sixth of eight children, and my siblings have among them 14 offspring—we chose this
Dear Nelson,
Patrick Symmes, the author of The Boys from Dolores, is a talented wordsmith. The reader can almost smell the dust
Patrick Symmes asserts that: 1. Santiago de Cuba had the richest gathering of the richest part of Cuba (p. 5). Not quite. Many fortunes were made in Oriente [Eastern Cuba], but the wealthy, as a rule, resided in Havana. One exception: the Bacardi family. [See: Rafael Duharte and Radames de los Reye
Forgive Us Our Sins I Need Your Help, by George B. Wilson, S. J., (12/17), presents the imagined situation of a bishop asking for advice on how to cope with the pastoral problems of his diocese in the face of the declining number of priests. While he considers a half-dozen strategies, not one of the
With income inequality in the United States hitting ever higher levels, it nonetheless comes as a jolt to learn that the share of after-tax income going to the wealthiest 1 percent of households has reached its highest point since the start of the Great Depression. Such is the conclusion of several