Molière faced opposition from church figures during his life over his controversial works. Four centuries after his birth, what religious themes and tensions can be found in his plays?
When someone dies, it is only right that family and friends be given a chance to share their memories of their loved one. But the balance between pastoral care and logistical realities can be a tough one to strike.
The migration crisis roiling the borderlands is literally in the backyard Bishop Seitz, the new chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ migration committee.
Pope Benedict XVI was a renowned theologian, a “recognized authority,” who left “a rich legacy of studies and research on the fundamental truths of the faith,” said the official summary of his life and papacy.
Is the circle of our compassion limited by the suffering we see on prime time national television? Because that is the thing—so much of the suffering that football inflicts is hidden from view.
After four years of the far-right government of Jair Messias Bolsonaro, Brazilians peacefully welcomed—for the third time—the inauguration of the popular center-left leader Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on New Year’s Day.