You can have your Vegas heist movies, Hollywood; I will take the hustle in which a bunch of college guys end up secretly delivering gifts to freshmen every time.
Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J., in a speech at Regis College in Toronto, said that pastoral experience, more than any church document, should be the material of theological reflection.
The newly installed Catholic bishop of Hong Kong promised action to heal Catholics and the wider society, divided because of the Chinese action to suppress a two-year-long protest seeking democratic freedoms.
Pope Francis revealed that a second meeting between him and the Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow is under consideration. “It’s on the not-distant horizon,” he said.
The plan could result in the possible shutdown of churches and schools as the archdiocese responds to a decline in the number of priests and a shift in parishioners.
Pope Francis revealed for the first time that the archbishop had given “small caresses and massages” to his secretary, which “was a sin” but “not the gravest of sins.”
"Five years have passed since I visited this place with my dear brothers Bartholomew and Ieronymos. After all this time, we see that little has changed with regard to the issue of migration."