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FaithThe Word
Dianne Bergant
As we stand on the threshold of the feast, we begin to realize that the radiance of God can shine forth through faithfulness in the ordinary events of life.
FaithThe Word
Dianne Bergant
If these are the signs of our times, how can we say that our redemption is at hand?
FaithThe Word
Dianne Bergant
The readings challenge us: “I have set before you reputation and wisdom, comfort and eternal life.” What will we choose?
FaithThe Word
Dianne Bergant
We are no longer content to live with full bellies but empty minds.
FaithThe Word
Dianne Bergant
The Third Sunday of Advent invites us into a world of reversals.
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
Today’s Gospel seems to challenge fairness, preferring concern for the “last.”