FaithThe Word
In his final remarks to his disciples on the Sunday after Easter, the risen Jesus differentiates between how Thomas came to believe (because you have seen me) and a more ordinary yet even superior way (Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed).
The Word
For Christians Easter Sunday is the most important day on the calendar We believe that the resurrection of Jesus has changed everything The special Easter word is Hallelujah from two Hebrew words that mean Praise the Lord and it expresses the joy and happiness we should feel even if we are un
FaithThe Word
During Holy Week we focus on the sufferings of Jesus—not only the physical sufferings that led to his death on the cross but also the misunderstanding and treachery displayed toward him by many who had been close to him.
FaithThe Word
The Bible's greatest and most powerful image of hope is that of resurrection.
FaithThe Word
The blind man’s progress in spiritual sight reminds us that we need God’s grace and revelation to move toward sharper spiritual vision.
FaithThe Word
Each year on the Second Sunday of Lent the Gospel reading concerns the transfiguration of Jesus With the presence of Moses and Elijah the transfiguration narrative reminds us that what we commemorate during Lent is part of the history of our salvation The transfiguration also anticipates or prev
FaithThe Word
The Scripture readings for the Sundays of Lent are extraordinarily rich.
The Word
Why did Peter and Andrew James and John follow Jesus According to Matthews narrative and Marks these four fishermen had no prior knowledge of Jesus While they were at work in Capernaum one day Jesus came along and said Follow me and they did Answering Jesus call meant leaving behind their