The Word
The words ldquo money rdquo and ldquo spirituality rdquo are seldom found in the same sentence Yet Luke and other biblical writers give a good deal of attention to money and possessions In Luke rsquo s own community there seems to have been some tension between rich and poor and he took a spe
The Word
A ldquo lost soul rdquo is someone who seems adrift morally spiritually intellectually and emotionally Such a person may be lost to drugs alcohol ambition greed gambling sexual promiscuity or the ldquo pragmatic rdquo mentality that shows no respect for human life and measures everything
The Word
Banquet scenes are frequent in the Bible Jesus used meals shared with all kinds of persons as occasions to impart his wise teachings and as symbols for life in the coming kingdom of God Banquets are especially prominent in Luke rsquo s Gospel and most of Luke 14 presents Jesus rsquo teachings in
FaithThe Word
While following Jesus may have a high cost, what makes discipleship possible is the grace of God.
The Word
As a theological doctrine universalism claims that all of us will be saved or restored to holiness and happiness The biblical version of universalism is more complicated It says that while God wants us all to be saved we all must work at finding a place in God rsquo s kingdom One of the questi
The Word
Luke rsquo s Gospel has been called the most beautiful book ever written It contains most of what has become the Christmas story as well as the sermon on the plain the parables of the good Samaritan and the prodigal son the story of Zaccheus and much more Even Luke rsquo s passion narrative por
The Word
It is no secret that we Americans live in a materialistic culture For some people the pursuit of wealth and possessions seems to function as a kind of religion substitute The Old Testament wisdom books and the New Testament writings have some wise things to say about money and possessions While a
The Word
ldquo Faith is the realization of what is hoped for rdquo Heb 11 1 Faith and hope are two of the theological virtues They are called theological because they have their origin and goal in God While theologians make precise distinctions between them in the Bible they tend to blend together be
FaithThe Word
The Martha-and-Mary narrative also challenges us to balance practical action and contemplation.
The Word
Our Sunday Gospel readings this summer from Luke rsquo s journey narrative provide a framework or outline for developing a sound Christian spirituality One essential element in any variety of Christian spirituality is prayer Luke rsquo s Gospel is an excellent place to learn about biblical prayer