Matt Emerson's essays have appeared in a number of publications, including America, Commonweal,
Articles: Fruitful Searching (Jan. 5-12, 2015) Preambles for Faith (May 13, 2013) Posts at The Ignatian Educator
The Ignatian Educator
The summer edition of LMU the magazine of Loyola Marymount University which I recently mentioned in conjunction with the Dana Gioia interview contains another very good article to which I want to draw readers 39 attention Matthew Fleischer in quot Techno Logic quot has nicely described the
The Ignatian Educator
Fr William B Neenan S J a Jesuit professor and administrator who lived and worked at Boston College since 1979 nbsp has died According to the Boston College press office Fr Neenan passed away yesterday at his BC residence nbsp Fr Neenan was one of the most respected and beloved Jesuits
The Ignatian Educator
As readers know a few days ago I noted I 39 d be blogging about Jennifer Senior 39 s book All Joy and No Fun The Paradox of Modern Parenthood I didn 39 t want to characterize it formally as a quot book club discussion quot because that requires an orderliness that my brain doesn 39 t follo
The Ignatian Educator
Turns out homework help isn't all that helpful after all.
The Ignatian Educator
What influences men to enter the priesthood How does college impact this decision Thanks to a new report issued by Boston College h t Tim Muldoon we now have a lot of data on this question nbsp Boston College has issued its summary report of the 2013 Summit on Vocations to the Priesthood Thi
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson invites readers to join an informal book club on the Ignatian Educator this week to discuss Jennifer Senior's 'All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood.'
The Ignatian Educator
Not long ago astronomers made a huge claim about evidence verifying the quot Big Bang quot Scientists connected with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announced they had detected gravitational waves from the earliest moments of the universe when it was only fractions of a second o
The Ignatian Educator
How would the culture be different if we emphasized art as much as we do math?
The Ignatian Educator
In 1998, the celebrity evangelist addressed a conference to speak about technology and religion.
The Ignatian Educator
Lots of criticism is pouring in over the decision issued in Vergara v California in which Superior Court Judge Rolf M Treu struck down five California statutes regulating the quot tenure system quot for California public school teachers In a blog post at the New York Review of Books website N