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Matt Emerson's essays have appeared in a number of publications, including AmericaCommonweal, and the Wall Street Journal. The Catholic Press Association named his September 2012 essay "Help Their Unbelief," published in America, as the "best essay" in the category of national general interest magazine for 2012. He is the author of the book Why Faith? A Journey of Discovery (Paulist Press 2016).


Fruitful Searching (Jan. 5-12, 2015)

Preambles for Faith (May 13, 2013)

Help Their Unbelief (Sept. 10, 2012)

Posts at The Ignatian Educator


















The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Just in time for June a number of outlets and authors are offering suggestions for summer reading Even J P Morgan has a few ideas Click on the following links to review the titles For my next post on summer reading I 39 ll feature some Catholic and spiritual selections The Boston GlobeThe Los
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
With so many commencement addresses each year it 39 s easy to miss the less publicized but equally important honors given to those who are not keynote speakers One of the most important of such honors among Catholic schools is the University of Notre Dame 39 s Laetare Medal According to the Univ
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Though I haven 39 t read through or listened to all the commencement speeches from the last couple weeks I don 39 t imagine there 39 s a better one than that delivered by Admiral William H McRaven a Navy Seal and commander of U S Special Operations Command In his recent address at the Univer
The "Field of Dreams," Dyersville, Iowa. Courtesy of Wikimedia.
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
In the modern world it 39 s never easy finding the right way to frame spiritual themes particularly for skeptical audiences like young men and women in high school Classic religious or spiritual documents -- whether the New Testament or the works of St Augustine -- simply don 39 t capture them
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
For students, responding to God's will need not be an exercise in spiritual isolation.
"The Disobedience of Adam and Eve," Michelangelo's fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (CNS photo/courtesy of the Vatican Museums)
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
The historicity of the first couple is an ideal topic for an ambitious graduate student, not to mention a new encyclical.
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Today was awards day the day that my school -- Xavier College Preparatory High School in Palm Desert CA -- honors our students based on the criteria of the Graduate at Graduation or as Jesuit faculty call it the quot Grad at Grad quot nbsp I don 39 t think many readers know about these crit
Painting of Adam and Eve by Peter Wenzel displayed in the Pinacoteca at the Vatican Museums. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec)
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
In the wake of some Catholic schools 39 attempt to strengthen faculty fidelity to the moral teachings of the Catholic Church a recent New York Times story highlights a similar effort underway at a Bryan College a Christian college in Dayton Tenn which is tweaking its statement of belief and c
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
In a culture that tells us "do what you love," Matt Emerson reflects on the limits of desire in search for God's will.
Saint Augustine and his mother Monica (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Ross Douthat is not the only New York Times writer to hit upon some very Catholic themes David Brooks 39 s recent column turns to St Augustine to reflect upon the path to personal knowledge The highest rung on the stairway to understanding is intimacy Our master-teacher here is Augustine As he