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Matt Emerson's essays have appeared in a number of publications, including AmericaCommonweal, and the Wall Street Journal. The Catholic Press Association named his September 2012 essay "Help Their Unbelief," published in America, as the "best essay" in the category of national general interest magazine for 2012. He is the author of the book Why Faith? A Journey of Discovery (Paulist Press 2016).


Fruitful Searching (Jan. 5-12, 2015)

Preambles for Faith (May 13, 2013)

Help Their Unbelief (Sept. 10, 2012)

Posts at The Ignatian Educator


















The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
The School of Education SOE at Loyola Marymount University the Jesuit university of Los Angeles has released a new study that provides encouraging news about the value of Catholic education From the official press release The study conducted by SOE 39 s nbsp Center for Catholic Education fol
(CNS photo/The Southern Cross) (Dec. 23, 2009) See SANDIEGO-UNIVERSITY Dec. 23, 2009.
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities AJCU has published a list of commencement speakers for Jesuit institutions around the country See the lineup at the AJCU website nbsp
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
The educator's paradox: enlightenment begins in darkness; wisdom, in mystery.
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
quot The University of Notre Dame is committed to fostering an environment of welcome and mutual respect that is grounded in its Catholic mission quot So says Jack Swarbrick Notre Dame 39 s athletic director in a new video meant to convey support for LGBT athletes at the University nbsp Accor
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
So it 39 s real The Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club a student group affiliated with Harvard Extension School nbsp is hosting a black mass Why So they can quot learn and experience the history of different cultural practices quot The quot performance quot says the club quot is pa
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Strange reports coming out of Harvard or some part of Harvard Apparently some student group affiliated with the Harvard Extension School is hosting a black mass as part of a Satanic ritual It 39 s not clear if this is a joke some bizarre effort at tolerance or a sincere effort at demonic worsh
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Diane Ravitch Louis C K and the Common Core State Standards thanks to Twitter and social media somehow this all connects This is what happened nbsp The comedian Louis C K recently criticized the Common Core State Standards based in part on his observations of how the new curriculum was af
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Before Walden Pond, there was Jesus. Today, The Minimalist Movement. Matt Emerson on the ancient and enduring appeal of simple living.
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Yesterday I wrote about a Catholic school in Wisconsin that will soon feature a curriculum anchored in the Socratic method and the classics of Western civilization It seems they 39 re not the only ones remembering the value of this kind of education The nbsp Wall Street Journal nbsp reports nbsp t
Third-graders familiarize themselves with their new tablet computers at Monte Cassino School in Tulsa, Okla.
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
In a world of smart boards & teaching apps, the Socratic method might be the most innovative approach around.